Purpose of 'Clinical Resources'

  • To provide a written outline of systematic patient assessment and management in the pre-hospital situation.
  • To provide standards of Patient Care.
  • To provide an educational and refresher resource for St. John clinical staff.
  • The Clinical Practice Guidelines / Clinical Skills do not totally dictate or confine the practice of patient care as they cannot remove the element of judgement necessary in each differing emergency circumstance. However, officers must be prepared to justify departures from approved Clinical Practice Guidelines / Clinical Skills. A city environment with an incident five minutes from the hospital will require different management from a country facility needing a two-hour journey.


The Clinical Resources Library include skills at all levels of patient care. St John Ambulance clinical staff have been trained and are authorised to perform specific skills or utilise specific equipment. For example, officers using cardiac monitor / defibrillators and medications are to use Clinical Practice Guidelines / Clinical Skills at their authorised level of training as per the Skills Matrix. It should be remembered that one of the best monitors is the eye on the patient and a finger on the pulse.

How to use 'Clinical Resources’

  1. Navigation Bar: Use this menu to navigate around the site. Primary menus are activated by a "hover". Every link in the navigation bar is active; by clicking on Neurological for example, will take you to a Contents page of all Neurological sub-pages.
    • In the interest of reserving screen "real estate", the Navigation Bar is condensed into a "Hamburger menu" in mobile view; this resizes to a full-width navbar when the screen size allows.
  1. Breadcrumbs: Click on these to be taken back to the Contents page of the respective sections.
  1. Medical Library: The Medical Library is a resource of information whereby officers can seek to improve their own knowledge of conditions, written from a pre-hospital assessment and management perspective.
  2. Hyperlinks: Throughout the document, any words that share common references (such as to skills, e.g. Peripheral IV Access) have been hyperlinked to the relevant pages for quick and easy navigation.
  3. Treatment section:
  4. Management
    • This section details in order what management strategies should be applied, relevant to the presenting condition. The list is skill-specific, based upon the Skill and Medication Matrices; by clicking the Toggle Switch (described below), the management will alternate to between skillsets.
  1. Toggle Switch: Click the PARAMEDIC/VOLUNTEER button below to toggle between Volunteer and Paramedic management.
  2. Flowchart:
    • This button will take you to a flowchart which is attached to a Clinical Practice Guideline. The flowchart, like the CPG, is also interactive and from the flowchart, you can navigate to various clinical skills associated with the management of this condition.
    Quick Chart
    • The flowchart will always start with the presenting condition, and finish with the patient being transported to hospitals. Beginning and endings will be oblong in shape, whereas Management steps are rectangular, and Decision boxes are diamond.
    • The objects in the flowchart are colour-coded to the respective skillsets, which align with the colours used in the Skills matrix and CPG’s.
    • If an objects refers to a specific skill or medication, clicking on the object will take you directly to that skill or CPG (i.e. hyperlinks).
  3. Document Control: Each CPG/Skill has a Document Control panel attached to the bottom.
    • The Date fields indicate when the skill was introduced and when it is due for review.
    • The Purpose section of Document Control will dictate the respective inclusions and exclusions that apply to this CPG/Skill.
    • The Scope of each CPG will always be relevant to all clinical staff (being a single source of truth) and congruent with the Clinical Skill Matrix for officers who are trained and authorised in that particular skill.
    • In the interest of reserving screen “real estate”, the Document Control section of the CPG/Skill is hidden in mobile view; this can be restored by opening the document on a screen size larger than 992px wide.
  4. “Accordion” divisions:
    • These objects are coloured grey and the entire row is classed as a button; when inactive, the bar will be adorned with a “+” on the right-hand side. If you click the row, it will expand (i.e. “activate”) and a drop-down section will appear with the relevant information contained within. The adornment will change to a minus sign. The accordion can be “inactivated” by clicking the row again.
Example accordion


  • Sub-information
  1. Select boxes:
    • Select an item from the drop-down box to show the relevant information. On changing, the information will change with the new selection.
  2. Medication Calculator: Clinical Resources comes with a Medication Calculator. This tool can be used for patients aged from Newborn through to 11 years of age (for paediatrics, whereby an age-weight estimates will be provided based upon standard growth charts employed when writing SJA CPG’s) right through to adults. This tool will provide expectant Observations for a patient of that age/weight, Cardiac Arrest medications, Post-ROSC medications, CPG-complaint Paramedic Medication calculations as well as Critical Care Medications (i.e. ranges, infusion rates, etc.)
  • Age can be selected in the Select box above; once selected, all the fields will be calculated (i.e. do not press Submit, as this is for the weight entry field).
  • Perth Children’s Hospital has confirmed that as there is no consensus among healthcare professionals regarding age-weight estimations, thus our current methodology of estimation is acceptable. Whilst variations in weight (if using this tool as intended) with respect to the medication dosages administered are unlikely to result in unexpected consequences, Perth Children’s Hospital have confirmed that we should be attempting to use where possible, first-hand knowledge of a child’s weight; in absence of this, estimated ideal weight based upon age is the next best option.
  • If the specific weight of the patient is known, it can be entered in the text-input box (run the calculation by pressing Submit).
  • The calculator will identify whether the entered weight is invalid (i.e. <0) and return “Out of Range”.
  • The calculator will identify and display whether the entered weight is likely to be adult or paediatric, the cut-off being 39kg.
  • The calculator will identify whether the calculated value was entered or approximated based upon age, and will indicate this next to the provided weight.
  • The calculated fields can be found by opening the sections below. Whilst RED, the fields are hidden. By clicking the field/button, the field will be activated, the button will turn GREEN and the relevant information will be shown. If more than one field is activated, they will stack in order of left to right. The reason being ease of browsing/finding the relevant value. Once all fields are activated, the table will show in excress of 100 rows (thus making the table unworkably long).
  1. Search: The Search Bar will only be available on screens wider than 1200px. The reason for this is multi-factorial;
    • A screen-size greater than 1200px indicates the likelihood of desktop access, likely with internet connectivity. The search function requires server-side processing to function, which requires an active internet connection. In a mobile setting, there is a greater chance that the officer will experience connectivity issues if working remotely.
    • In order to preserve real-estate; in situations whereby the officer is required to search the page for specific fields, the officer should make use of the Index function.


Once any page from this site is printed or downloaded, it is uncontrolled. It is advised that periodically, all St. John Ambulance clinical staff refer to the web-based Clinical Resources Library and the Clinical Governance Connect page to ensure they have the most up to date information, news and are across relevant clinical discussions. The CPG App that accompanies and is available from the App Catalogue will update automatically in the background; if you find there are any issues with this process, please contact itservicedesk@stjohnambulance.com.au

  1. Index: The far-right menu item is Index (or the bottom-most item in the mobile nav-bar), and displays a list of all published pages on Clinical Resources. In the interest of offline functionality, officers need the ability to search the site when no server-side access is available. Use your mobile browsers search function to find specific text on the page in order to navigate to this item.

Consider following @StJohnWA on Twitter.

Clinical Resources Website

St John Ambulance Western Australia Ltd (ABN 55 028 468 715) (St John WA) operates ambulance and other pre-hospital clinical services. St John WA’s Clinical Resources, including its Clinical Practice Guidelines (Clinical Resources), are intended for use by credentialed St John WA staff and volunteers when providing clinical care to patients for or on behalf of St John WA, within the St John WA Clinical Governance Framework, and only to the extent of the clinician’s authority to practice.

Other users – Terms of Use

The content of the St John WA Clinical Resources is provided for information purposes only and is not intended to serve as health, medical or treatment advice. Any user of this website agrees to be bound by these Terms of Use in their use of the Clinical Resources.

St John WA does not represent or warrant (whether express, implied, statutory, or otherwise) that the content of the Clinical Resources is accurate, reliable, up-to-date, complete or that the information contained is suitable for your needs or for any particular purpose. You are responsible for assessing whether the information is accurate, reliable, up-to-date, authentic, relevant, or complete and where appropriate, seek independent professional advice.

St John WA expressly prohibits use of these Clinical Resources to guide clinical care of patients by organisations external to St John WA, except where these organisations have been directly engaged by St John WA to provide services. Any use of the Clinical Resources, with St John WA approval, must attribute St John WA as the creator of the Clinical Resources and include the copyright notice and (where reasonably practicable) provide a URL/hyperlink to the St John WA Clinical Resources website. 

No permission or licence is granted to reproduce, make commercial use of, adapt, modify or create derivative works from these Clinical Resources. For permissions beyond the scope of these Terms of Use, including a commercial licence, please contact medservices@stjohnambulance.com.au

Where links are provided to resources on external websites, St John WA:

  • Gives no assurances about the quality, accuracy or relevance of material on any linked site;
  • Accepts no legal responsibility regarding the accuracy and reliability of external material; and
  • Does not endorse any material, associated organisation, product or service on other sites.

Your use of any external website is governed by the terms of that website, including any authorisation, requirement or licence for use of the material on that website.

To the maximum extent permitted by law, St John WA excludes liability (including liability in negligence) for any direct, special, indirect, incidental, consequential, punitive, exemplary or other loss, cost, damage or expense arising out of, or in connection with, use or reliance on the Clinical Resources (including without limitation any interference with or damage to a user’s computer, device, software or data occurring in connection with such use).


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The cookies used on this site are small and completely anonymous pieces of information and are stored on your computer or mobile device. The data that the cookies contain identify your user preferences (such as your preferred text size, scope / skill level preference and Colour Assist mode, among other user settings) so that they can be recalled the next time that you visit a page within Clinical Resources. These cookies are necessary to offer you the best and most efficient possible experience when accessing and navigating through our website and using its features. These cookies do not collect or send analytical information back to St John WA.

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