Clinical Scope of PracticeEmergency Medical ResponderEmergency Medical AssistantEvent Ambulance OfficerEmergency Medical TechnicianAmbulance Transport OfficerEHS/IHS MedicAmbulance OfficerTransport MedicContract ParamedicAmbulance ParamedicExtended Care*
Blood Glucose Monitor
Blood Pressure
Extended Focused Assessment with Sonography in Trauma (eFAST) Z3
Electrocardiography (ECG)E1E1
End-tidal Waveform Capnography
Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS)
i-STAT POC Blood Gas Analysis Z3
Oesophageal Probe Temperature Z3
Pain Score
Primary Survey
Pulse Oximetry
Pulse & Respirations
Rapid Antigen Testing
Secondary & CNS Survey
Spinal Assessment
NEXUS Clinical Assessment
Tympanic Thermometer
Cricothyrotomy (Horizontal)
Cricothyrotomy (Vertical)E4
Drug assisted Intubation (RSI)Z3
Endotracheal Intubation (ETT)
Failed Intubation Drill
Foreign Body Airway Obstruction
In-line Suction Z3
Laryngoscopy: Direct✔ 
Laryngoscopy: Video Z3
Lateral PositionSupervised
Naso/Orogastric TubeZ3
Nasopharyngeal Airway (NPA)
Oropharyngeal Airway (OPA)
Supraglottic Airway (SGA)✔ 
Ventilation Emergencies (DOPES)
Bag Valve Mask VentilationSupervised
Mechanical Ventilation Z3
Non-invasive Ventilation Z3
Oxygen Delivery
Positive End Expiratory Pressure (PEEP) Z3
VAPOX – Ventilator Assisted Pre-OxygenationZ3
BOA-Constrictor Device Z3
Cardioversion Z3
Chest Compressions
(Manual) Defibrillation*
Modified Valsalva ManoeuvreS
Transcutaneous PacingZ3
Pressure Immobilisation Technique (PIT)
Adrenaline Autoinjector 'Epipen'
Braun Syringe Driver Z3
External Jugular Access
In-line Nebuliser Z3
Influenza VaccinationE1
Intramuscular (IM) Injection
Inotrope & Vasopressor Support Z3
Intranasal (IN) AtomiserE1
Intraosseous Access
IV Giving SetsSE1
IV PumpsE1S
MDI and Space Chamber
MEQU Fluid & Blood Warmer Z3
Penthrox Inhaler
Peripheral IV AccessS
Pre-drawn RSI Medication Z3
Prehospital Blood Sample Collection✔ 
Ultrasound-guided Femoral Nerve BlockZ3
Ultrasound-guided IV Access Z3
Abdominal Aortic Junctional Tourniquet (AAJT) Z3
Advanced Haemorrhage Control & Management Z3
C-Spine Collar
Combat Application Tourniquet (CAT)Where trained/authorised
Eye washing and Irrigation
Fernotrac Traction SplintWhere trained/authorised
Finger ThoracostomyZ3
Fractures and Dislocations
Helmet Removal
Trauma Bandages

Kendrick Traction DeviceE2Z2
Log Roll
Minor Wound Management
Minor injuries and epistaxis
Needle Thoracocentesis
Pelvic Splints
QuikClot Combat Gauze

Sager Traction SplintWhere trained/authorised
Slishman Traction SplintWhere trained/authorised
Spinal Immobilisation
Steri StripsE1
Traumatic Procedural AnalgesiaZ3
Vacuum MattressE1E1
Breech DeliveryS
Postpartum Haemorrhage
Relief of Aortocaval CompressionS
Shoulder DystociaS


*Automatic External Defibrillation (AED) is authorised for all holders of Provide First Aid (HLTAID003) certificate or otherwise being coached by Communications Officer.

The skills conveyed as per Provide First Aid (HLTAID003) are not reflected in this Skills Matrix. Cadet First Aider’s (CFA) and Emergency Medical Responders (EMR)’s require the supervision of a senior volunteer (EMT) of all skills applied in clinical practice

Extended care refers to registered paramedics with an extended scope of practice as approved by SJWA (e.g. Clinical Support, Special Operations & Critical Care Paramedics)
 Can be performed upon successful completion of Intermediate Course/Paramedic Intern 2 Induction course
 Can be performed upon successful completion of Transition Course/Paramedic Intern 2 Complex Skills course
SFollowing completion of formal training skill can be performed under supervision of higher skilled/level of officer
E1Authorised under extended scope of practice if required, trained and authorised (i.e. Industrial site specific, authorised volunteer centre, etc.).
E2Authorised under extended scope when acting as Clinical Support Paramedic if required, trained and authorised
E3Authorised for Paramedic Special Operations paramedics if required when on deployment, trained and authorised
E4Authorised only for Ambulance Paramedics trained by SJWA in the Vertical Incision technique
Z1Authorised for Paramedic Special Operations role
Z2Authorised for Clinical Support Paramedic role
Z3Authorised for Critical Care Paramedic role

Key Terms & Links

Acronym Title
Event Health Services
CFACadet First Aider
EAOEvent Ambulance Officer
MEDICEvent Medic
Patient Transport Services
ATOAmbulance Transport Officer
ATMAmbulance Transport Medic
Ambulance Service
EMREmergency Medical Responder
EMAEmergency Medical Assistant
EMTEmergency Medical Technician
SAOStudent Ambulance Officer
APAmbulance Paramedic
PSOParamedic Special Operations
CSPClinical Support Paramedic
CCPCritical Care Paramedic
Medical Services
MEDICIndustrial Medic
IPIndustrial Paramedic


Document Control

Clinical Services

Responsible Manager
Head of Clinical Services


Published Date

Review Date

Clinical Resources Website

St John Ambulance Western Australia Ltd (ABN 55 028 468 715) (St John WA) operates ambulance and other pre-hospital clinical services. St John WA’s Clinical Resources, including its Clinical Practice Guidelines (Clinical Resources), are intended for use by credentialed St John WA staff and volunteers when providing clinical care to patients for or on behalf of St John WA, within the St John WA Clinical Governance Framework, and only to the extent of the clinician’s authority to practice.

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